Tufted Titmouse
Baeolophus bicolor

Picture property of Fernbank Science Center ©  Conditions of Use

play song

The song or call above is in .mp3 format.  You will need an mp3 player in order to listen.  If you do not have an mp3 player you can download one.  Click on the picture below.  It's free and works great!


Field Marks
  • Gray crest
  • Dark forehead
  • Pale gray upper parts
  • White under parts
  • Rusty flanks


Prefers woodland habitats, however Tufted titmice are common in city parks and suburbs where they visit birdfeeders for sunflower seeds.  The only habitat requirement appears to be the presence of large trees


The Tufted Titmouse is one of the most common songbirds in the Atlanta area.  It is often see at bird feeders or in mixed flocks with Carolina Chickadees.